Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P15/9/B4 Altered apportionment 1852 Tithe Owston South Yorkshire
PR/OW/12 Redemption certificate 1931 Tithe Owston South Yorkshire
PR/OW/11 Redemption certificate 1910 Tithe Owston South Yorkshire
DD/DC/O1/1 Letter requesting a search for evidence of a boundary and titheable lands 18th century Tithe Owston South Yorkshire
DD/DC/O1/6 Tithe Book, includes notes on terrier, correspondence and accounts 1742-1747 Tithe Owston South Yorkshire
DD/DC/O1/13 Valuation Mar 1838 Tithe Owston South Yorkshire
DD/DC/O1/21 Account book of rent charges 1892-1898 Tithe Owston South Yorkshire
DD/DC/O2/1/1-4 Tithe Books, including names of occupiers, lists of items due and state of cultivation 1775-1858 Tithe Owston South Yorkshire
DD/DC/O2/2/1-11 Miscellaneous records including deeds, accounts, legal case and valuation 1567-1808 Tithe Owston South Yorkshire
DD/DC/O2/3/3 Map and apportionment 1842 Tithe Owston South Yorkshire

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