Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/DC/O1/6 Tithe Book, includes notes on terrier, correspondence and accounts 1742-1747 Tithe Owston South Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/5/6 Bargain and sale 1742-1761 Manorial Bramwith South Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/5/6 Bargain and sale of the manor, including Bramwith Hall 1742-1761 Deeds Bramwith South Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/5/6 Bargain and sale 1742-1761 Manorial South Bramwith South Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/5/6 Bargain and sale of the manor 1742-1761 Deeds South Bramwith South Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/5/6 Bargain and sale of the manor 1742-1761 Deeds Barnby Grange South Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/5/6 Bargain and sale 1742-1761 Manorial Barnby Grange South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/21 Abstracts of title relating to a copyhold cottage and allotment 1742-1868 Deeds Barnby Dun South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/183 Abstracts of title and other deeds relating to Road Closes and four cottages 1742-1876 Deeds Tickhill South Yorkshire
DD/BW/E13/3 Statement of contents of Wadworth estate relating to Barnby Grange with Bramwith 1743 Estate Barnby Dun South Yorkshire

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