Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/ML/5/4 Plan 1786 Estate Barnsley South Yorkshire
DZ/ML/5/4 Estate 1786 Maps/Plans Barnsley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64413 Abstract of title and papers concerning Miss Bower's estate 1856 Estate Barnsley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64413 Abstract of title relating to Miss Bower's estate 1856 Deeds Barnsley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61040 Bundle of miscellaneous leases and agreements relating to Broadhead-Brinckman estates 1808-1843 Estate Barnsley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61040 Bundle of miscellaneous leases and agreements relating to Broadhead-Brinckman estates 1808-1843 Deeds Barnsley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61041 Surveys, valuations, rentals and other items relating to Broadhead-Brinckman estates 1819-1878 Estate Barnsley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/23/1 Correspondence and papers relating to purchase of property 1809-1821 Estate Barnsley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/60988 Letters relating to a claim for compensation for losing tenancy of a cottage 1854-1856 Estate Barnsley South Yorkshire
NM/46/8/2 Programme for music festival in aid of Beckett Hospital 1911 Hospitals Barnsley South Yorkshire

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