Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/CY/P19 Land early 19th century Maps/Plans Barnsdale Bar West Yorkshire
DD/CY/P20 Land 1804 Maps/Plans Barnsdale Bar West Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/30/P19 Land early 19th century Maps/Plans Barnsdale Bar West Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/30/P21 Land early 19th century Maps/Plans Barnsdale Bar West Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/30/P20 Land about 1804 Maps/Plans Barnsdale Bar West Yorkshire
DS/53/4/36 Locke Park and other views [Postcards] early-mid 20th century Photographs Barnsley South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/6/39 Railway line 1987 Photographs Barnsley South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/6/39 9 Market Hill 1987 Photographs Barnsley South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/10/73 Staniland's offices 1970s Photographs Barnsley South Yorkshire
MQ/20/9 Relating to colliery fire and explosion 1942 Photographs Barnsley South Yorkshire

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