Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/BW/P45-47 Deeds of appointment of Deputy Lieutenant 1730-1757 Deeds West Riding of Yorkshire West Riding of Yorkshire
DD/BW/P45-47 Deeds of appointment of Deputy Lieutenant 1730-1757 Other Local Government West Riding of Yorkshire West Riding of Yorkshire
DX/TAY/17/2-31 Admittances and surrenders to Messuage House in the south end 1730-1777 Manorial Thorne South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61732/1-2 Bundles of surrenders, steward's minutes, presentments and other items relating to the court roll 1730-1816 Manorial Armthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/TAY/17/2-31 Admittances relating to Lockamarsh Close 1730-1816 Manorial Hatfield South Yorkshire
DD/BW/E5/4 Accounts for building of Michael Law's house 1731 Estate Bentley South Yorkshire
DD/COV/2/7-8 Lease and release of closes 1731-1732 Deeds Ashfield South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/1178 Abstract of title to house 1731-1749 Deeds Doncaster, Fisher Gate South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61060 Title deeds to the manor and its lands 1731-1754 Deeds Waddingham Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/61060 Title deeds to the manor and its lands 1731-1754 Manorial Waddingham Lincolnshire

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