Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/BAG/5/16 Yorkshire Hussars watering their horses [Postcard] early 20th century Photographs York North Yorkshire
DS/130/6/1-27 Yorkshire Lawn Tennis Association Official Handbook 1948-1976 Organisations Yorkshire Yorkshire
DS/130/6/1-27 Yorkshire Lawn Tennis Association Official Handbook 1948-1976 Publications Yorkshire Yorkshire
DD/BW/P74-78 Yorkshire Light Dragoons records 1779 Military Yorkshire Yorkshire
DD/BW/E8/51-54 Yorkshire Main Colliery 1914-1933 Maps/Plans Edlington South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/565/2 Yorkshire Main Colliery arbitrator's award 23 Nov 1936 Coal Mining Edlington South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/640/1 Yorkshire Miners' Association, minute book 1923-1926 Coal Mining Askern South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/640/1 Yorkshire Miners' Association, minute book 1923-1926 Organisations Askern South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/630/29 Yorkshire Penny Bank early 20th century Photographs Doncaster, High Street South Yorkshire
P1/10/E2/15 Yorkshire Residential School for the Deaf early-mid 20th century Photographs Doncaster, Leger Way South Yorkshire

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