Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
AHA/2/1/1-28 Annual reports of the Medical Officer of Health 1942-1972 Urban District Council Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
NSC/3 Savings Committee records 1942-1975 Other Local Government Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/2/6/2 Memorandum of agreement for grassland 2 Feb 1847 Deeds Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/4/23-24 Draft leases of Barnsley seam to Hickleton Main Colliery Company Limited about 1900 Deeds Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/4/35-36 Draft leases to Brodsworth Main Colliery Company 1905 Deeds Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/4/42 Copy land lease for colliery village to Brodsworth Main Colliery Company 31 Jul 1909 Deeds Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/4/32 Proposed sites of mining shafts and tramway 1901 Maps/Plans Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/20/155 Brodworth Miners' Welfare sports and recreation ground 1933 Maps/Plans Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
QS/13/1 Dun Drainage District 1873 Maps/Plans Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/20/107 Surface water drain at Humber Head Bridge 1920s Maps/Plans Adwick le Street South Yorkshire

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