Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P60/10/23/21 Pastoral Measure 1983: Hook with Airmyn; Rawcliffe 9 Apr 1996 Publications Airmyn East Yorkshire
P60/10/23/21 Pastoral Measure 1983: Hook with Airmyn; Rawcliffe 9 Apr 1996 Anglican Parish Airmyn East Yorkshire
P66/10/2 Clergy, dignitaries and parishioners outside the entrance to St David's church on the 60th anniversary of V.E. Day [Victory in Europe] 8 May 2005 Photographs Airmyn East Yorkshire
P66/10/1 Estate 1920s Maps/Plans Airmyn East Yorkshire
P66/2/B3 Electricity supply 1930-1931 Maps/Plans Airmyn East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/MAP 78 Estate 1825 Maps/Plans Airmyn East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/MAP 78 Map 1825 Estate Airmyn East Yorkshire
DS/53/4/54 Crown Hotel, Magnet Hotel and other views [Postcards] early-mid 20th century Photographs Airedale West Yorkshire
DS/53/4/54 Postcards of Crown Hotel and Magnet Hotel early-mid 20th century Business Airedale West Yorkshire
DZ/MD/654/1 Thomas Jeffreys Map of Yorkshire 1775 Maps/Plans Ainderby North Yorkshire

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