Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/COO/1188 Reconveyance of messuage, homestead, appurtenances and land Apr 1822 Deeds Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1189 Surrender of moiety of messuage, homestead, appurtenances and land 19 Sep 1827 Deeds Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1182 Lease and release of moiety of messuage with appurtenances Sep 1827 Deeds Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1340 Mortgage on Margaret House and adjoining croft 18 Mar 1730 Deeds Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1339 Assignment of mortgage on Margaret House and adjoining croft 2 May 1741 Deeds Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1337 Assignment of mortgage on Margaret House and adjoining croft 3 May 1808 Deeds Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1334 Assignment of mortgage on Margaret House, cowhouse, orchard and garden Dec 1829 Deeds Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/999-1000 Lease and release of land Feb 1808 Deeds Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1003 Lease and release of lands Feb 1829 Deeds Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/991 Lease and release of lands May 1830 Deeds Almholme South Yorkshire

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