Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/62296 Papers relating to commutation 1837-1841 Tithe Austerfield South Yorkshire
P81/9/B4 Certificate of redemption 1921 Tithe Ardsley South Yorkshire
P81/9/B5 Certificate of redemption 1930 Tithe Ardsley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/24/4/5 Correspondence 1844 Tithe Adlingfleet East Yorkshire
P19/9/B4 Map and apportionment 1844 Tithe Adlingfleet East Yorkshire
P19/9/B6 Altered apportionment 1931 Tithe Adlingfleet East Yorkshire
P19/9/B7 Extracts from the enclosure award about tithe rents 1769 Tithe Adlingfleet East Yorkshire
P27/9/B1 Copy of apportionments and maps of titheable land 1842-1853 Tithe Adlingfleet East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62297 Letters and papers 1837-1838 Tithe Badsworth West Yorkshire
DX/BAX/60865 Receipts for purchase 1821 Tithe Balby South Yorkshire

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