Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/61001 Letters, notes and other items relating to a claim to stone beneath railway property 1867 Railways Ardsley South Yorkshire
P70/8/1-11 National School records 1841-1954 Schools Ardsley South Yorkshire
P70/10/11 Sheet SE 3805/3905 1960s Ordnance Survey Ardsley South Yorkshire
P70/10/15 Sheet SE 3605/3705 1962 Ordnance Survey Ardsley South Yorkshire
P70/10/9 Sheet SE 3605/3705 1962 Ordnance Survey Ardsley South Yorkshire
P70/10/17 Boundaries Sep 1929 Maps/Plans Ardsley South Yorkshire
P70/10/18-28 Christ Church vicars late 19th century-1940s Photographs Ardsley South Yorkshire
P81/9/B1 Altered apportionment with plan 1890 Tithe Ardsley South Yorkshire
P81/9/B2 Altered apportionment with plan 1934 Tithe Ardsley South Yorkshire
P81/9/B3 Certificate of redemption 1896 Tithe Ardsley South Yorkshire

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