Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
AB/8/1/D3 Position of water engine, salmon hecks, corn mills and sluice at Doncaster Oct 1723 Maps/Plans River Don River Don
DD/COO/740 Lease and release of messuage, lands, appurtenances, manor and lordship Oct 1737 Deeds Wheatley South Yorkshire
DD/COO/769 Lease and release of messuage, lands, appurtenances, manor and lordship Oct 1737 Deeds Wheatley South Yorkshire
DD/COO/740 Lease and release of manor and lordship Oct 1737 Manorial Wheatley South Yorkshire
DD/COO/769 Lease and release of manor and lordship Oct 1737 Manorial Wheatley South Yorkshire
DD/COO/740 Lease and release of manor and lordship Oct 1737 Deeds Bentley South Yorkshire
DD/COO/769 Lease and release of manor and lordship Oct 1737 Deeds Bentley South Yorkshire
DD/COO/740 Lease and release of manor and lordship Oct 1737 Manorial Bentley South Yorkshire
DD/COO/769 Lease and release of manor and lordship Oct 1737 Manorial Bentley South Yorkshire
DD/COO/740 Lease and release of manor and lordship Oct 1737 Deeds Skinthorpe South Yorkshire

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