Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/COO/819 Lease and release of lands Jul 1766 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/516 Doles 1776 Maps/Plans Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1215 Lease and release of land in the Ings Feb 1780 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1221 Abstract of title to freehold estates 1749-1782 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1221 Abstract of title to freehold estates 1749-1782 Estate Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/511 Abstract of title to estates 1657-1796 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/511 Abstract of title 1657-1796 Estate Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1409 Assignment of mortgage on lands 4 Mar 1769 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1070 Mortgage on lands 11 Feb 1824 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/950 Assignment of term on lands 4 Mar 1826 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire

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