Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/DAW/7/4 1825 award 19th century Enclosure Hatfield South Yorkshire
P81/6/5/1 1821 returns 1821 Census Darfield South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/6/38 18 Fern Avenue 1987 Photographs Bentley South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/6/38 18 Broughton Avenue 1989 Photographs Bentley South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/5/49 18 Broughton Avenue 1989 Photographs Bentley South Yorkshire
AB/7/3/84-85 1785 award index and copy early 20th century Enclosure Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
AB/7/3/84-85 1785 award index and copy early 20th century Enclosure Balby South Yorkshire
AB/7/3/84-85 1785 award copy and index early 20th century Enclosure Long Sandall South Yorkshire
SY/281/P1/1 1783 map and award [Microfilm] late 20th century Enclosure Moss South Yorkshire
SY/281/P1/1 1783 map and award [Microfilm] late 20th century Enclosure Kirk Bramwith South Yorkshire

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