Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P19/2/B3/2 King's Causeway 1966-1969 Maps/Plans Swinefleet East Yorkshire
P32/2/B2/3 New vicarage 1968 Maps/Plans Swinefleet East Yorkshire
DY/STAN/5/53 Sale catalogue for Prospect House, Low Road, with photograph 1980s Sales Catalogues Swinefleet East Yorkshire
DZ/TAY/8/1 Auction sale catalogue for farms, with plan 1933 Sales Catalogues Swinefleet East Yorkshire
P32/8/1 Letter relating to site for church school May 1844 Schools Swinefleet East Yorkshire
P32/8/3 Copy of questionnaire completed relating to proposed National School mid 19th century Schools Swinefleet East Yorkshire
P32/8/5 Correspondence regarding sale of old church school 1971-1979 Schools Swinefleet East Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/168/8 Alphabetical transcript of St James baptisms 1691-1927 [Disk] 2009 Anglican Parish Rawcliffe East Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/168/8 Transcript of entries from the directories Baines 1822, White's 1838 and Kelly's 1927 [Disk] 2009 Publications Rawcliffe East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61786 Memorial of a conveyance of land 1836 Deeds Ulrome East Yorkshire

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