Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DP/6446 Building control plan of alterations and additions to the parish church schools Nov 1926 Schools Doncaster, St George Gate South Yorkshire
DP/6573 Building control plan of shops and lock-up garages at number 32 Nov 1926 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Victoria Street South Yorkshire
DP/6573 Building control plan of shops and lock-up garages at number 32 Nov 1926 Business Doncaster, Victoria Street South Yorkshire
DP/6490 Building control plan of water closet at 69 Balby Road Nov 1926 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
DP/6607 Building control plan of development to the north of Wentworth Road Nov 1926 Maps/Plans Wheatley South Yorkshire
DY/PEG/24/1 Hattersley Limited works, album Nov 1927 Photographs Halifax West Yorkshire
DY/PEG/24/1 Hattersley Limited works, album Nov 1927 Photographs Ormskirk Lancashire
DY/PEG/24/1 Photographic album of the works of Hattersley Limited Nov 1927 Business Halifax West Yorkshire
DY/BRB/10/2/1 Agreement for the repair of Riddings Lane and Laughton Common Road, with plan Nov 1927 Railways Laughton en le Morthern South Yorkshire
DY/BRB/10/2/1 Agreement for the repair of Riddings Lane and Laughton Common Road, with plans Nov 1927 Deeds Laughton en le Morthern South Yorkshire

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