Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
AB/ARCH/1/167 Plan of water main from Clay Lane borehole to Bemberg's Factory mid 20th century Business Wheatley South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/784 Junction of Beckett Road and Oversley Road mid 20th century Maps/Plans Wheatley South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/70 Land mid 20th century Maps/Plans Doncaster, Carr House South Yorkshire
AB/2/2/5/11 Special Committee minutes containing details of British Rail's new headquarters mid 20th century Railways Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1392 Abstract of title to land mid 20th century Deeds Bentley South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/221/3 Boundaries of local authorities before 1974 mid 20th century Maps/Plans Doncaster South Yorkshire
P3/10/D2 St Peter's church and surrounding area mid 20th century Maps/Plans Barnburgh South Yorkshire
DZ/ML/5/5 Alverley Hall estate mid-late 19th century Maps/Plans Alverley South Yorkshire
DZ/ML/5/5 Plan of Alverley Hall estate mid-late 19th century Estate Alverley South Yorkshire
P20/2/C1 Parish boundary mid-late 19th century Maps/Plans High Melton South Yorkshire

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