Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/BEASTALL/2/15 St Mary's church [Etching] 1940 Photographs Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/BEASTALL/2/16 St Mary's church, carving of capitals in the nave [Drawing] 1970s Photographs Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/BEASTALL/2/17 St Mary's church, merchant marks and heraldry [Drawings] 1970s Photographs Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/BEASTALL/2/23 Map of East Field [1744] Photographs Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/BEASTALL/2/28 St Leonard's Hospital [Engraving] Apr 1844 Photographs Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/708/2 Part of tithe map 1848 Photographs Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/489/1 Millpond looking towards parish church [Negative] mid 20th century Photographs Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/489/2 Castle motte [Negative] mid 20th century Photographs Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/491/5 Gatehouse, exterior 1986 Photographs Tickhill South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/491/6 Gatehouse, interior mid 1980s Photographs Tickhill South Yorkshire

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