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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/64674 Attested copy of conveyance of land 1803 Deeds Adlingfleet East Yorkshire
P19/9/B7 Award extracts 1769 Enclosure Adlingfleet East Yorkshire
P27/9/A1 Copy of 1769 award 19th century Enclosure Adlingfleet East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/24/1/5 Valuation 1871 Estate Adlingfleet East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/24/4/9 Sale plans and particulars April 1878 Estate Adlingfleet East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64466 Conditions of sale 1878 Estate Adlingfleet East Yorkshire
DY/SIM/3/1-27 Adlingfleet and Whitgift Drainage Commissioners, correspondence, plans and tenders 1860-1932 Land Drainage Adlingfleet East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/60977 Tracings for deviation of South Yorkshire Railway 19th century Railways Adlingfleet East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/24/4/5 Correspondence 1844 Tithe Adlingfleet East Yorkshire
P19/9/B4 Map and apportionment 1844 Tithe Adlingfleet East Yorkshire

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