Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P47/4/G9/5 Service paper for the unveiling and dedication of the war memorial about 1919 Anglican Parish Tingle Bridge South Yorkshire
P47/4/G9/5 Service paper for the unveiling and dedication of the war memorial about 1919 Military Tingle Bridge South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/880/1/80 Sale particulars for freehold properties 24 Sep 1907 Sales Catalogues Tingle Bridge South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/21 Lease and release of house and close Oct 1743 Deeds Tilts South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/584 Common recovery relating to appurtenances, messuages, malthouses, dovehouses, gardens, land, meadow, pasture, wood, furze and heath, common of pasture and turbary, free fishing, free warren and courts 1778 Deeds Tilts South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/MAP 47 Map early 19th century Enclosure Tilts South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/MAP 47 Enclosure early 19th century Maps/Plans Tilts South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E3/1/6 Survey 1788 Estate Tilts South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E3/8/2 Survey 1780 Estate Tilts South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E3/8/3 Survey 1803 Estate Tilts South Yorkshire

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