Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/COO/1152 Ranby Hall estate 1914 Maps/Plans Ranby Lincolnshire
DD/COO/1146 Tenancy agreement for farm and lands 3 May 1886 Deeds Ranby Lincolnshire
DD/COO/1147 Tenancy agreement for farm 6 Apr 1899 Deeds Ranby Lincolnshire
DD/COO/1151 Provisional valuation papers 1913 Estate Ranby Lincolnshire
DD/COO/1148 Memorandum of agreement concerning the Church of England School 16 Mar 1903 Deeds Ranby Lincolnshire
DD/COO/1148 Memorandum of agreement concerning the Church of England School 16 Mar 1903 Anglican Parish Ranby Lincolnshire
DD/COO/1148 Memorandum of agreement concerning the Church of England School 16 Mar 1903 Schools Ranby Lincolnshire
DD/COO/1060 Lease and release of lands Apr 1789 Deeds Wroot Lincolnshire
DD/COO/1061 Mortgage on lands Aug 1782 Deeds Wroot Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/MAP 34 Ordnance Survey annotated with land ownership 1908 Ordnance Survey Althorpe Lincolnshire

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