Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/MON/275-277 Conveyances of land 1856-1898 Deeds Conisbrough South Yorkshire
DD/MON/277 Conveyance of tithe rent charge 24 Feb 1898 Tithe Conisbrough South Yorkshire
DD/MON/279-282 Miscellaneous deeds relating to lands 1858-1921 Deeds Conisbrough South Yorkshire
DD/MON/279-280 Land 1912-1921 Maps/Plans Conisbrough South Yorkshire
DD/MON/283 Surrender and admission 4 Feb 1863 Manorial Conisbrough South Yorkshire
DD/MON/284 Declaration of heirship to Red Acre Close 30 Jan 1858 Estate Conisbrough South Yorkshire
DD/MON/285 Letter concerning organisation of trust 26 Dec 1874 Estate Conisbrough South Yorkshire
DD/MON/286 Sale conditions for freehold and copyhold property 3 Jun 1875 Sales Catalogues Conisbrough South Yorkshire
DD/MON/287 Abstract of title to freehold property 1875 Deeds Conisbrough South Yorkshire
DD/MON/288 Conveyance of Mill Hill Field and other lands 29 May 1876 Deeds Conisbrough South Yorkshire

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