Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
AB/FIRE/2/1 Report of a fire at Bullhassocks Farm 11 Jan 1913 Other Records Westwoodside Lincolnshire
DS/NCIT/ADD/5/1/10 Correspondence relating to proposals 1989 Railways Gainsborough Lincolnshire
DX/WALK/2/22 Act 1801 Enclosure Wildmore Fen Lincolnshire
DX/WALK/2/23 Amendment 1802 Enclosure Wildmore Fen Lincolnshire
DZ/ANON/1/10 Procedural memorandum book for holding manorial courts 1871 Manorial Wildsworth Lincolnshire
DY/BRI/20/52 Correspondence relating to the use of premises owned by R. Hood Haggie 1942 Business Grimsby Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/S/VOLUME 2 Sale particulars for freehold and copyhold estates 11 Sep 1879 Sales Catalogues Winteringham Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/S/VOLUME 2 Sale particulars for freehold and copyhold estates 11 Sep 1879 Estate Winteringham Lincolnshire
BT/356/10749 Maps of works alterations 1907 Railways Winteringham Lincolnshire
BT/356/10749 Railway alterations and pier 1907 Maps/Plans Winteringham Lincolnshire

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