Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/529/1 Suit roll 1728-1742 Manorial Doncaster, Carr House South Yorkshire
DD/YAR/C2/1-8 Suit rolls 1671-1796 Manorial Conisbrough South Yorkshire
AB/HEAL/20 Summaries of defects in area Compulsory Purchase Order 1963 County Borough Doncaster, Balby Bridge South Yorkshire
DZ/DAY/4/6 Summaries of documents in the PRO [Public Record Office] relating to the activities of Cornelius Vermuyden 1960s-1970s Land Drainage Hatfield Chace South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/787/1-2 Summary annual reports for the National and Infants' School 1889-1890 Schools Tickhill South Yorkshire
DS/119/3/14 Summary of accounts for Labour Party annual dinner and dance Dec 1968 Organisations Don Valley South Yorkshire
DX/ATT/5/1/3 Summary of mining leases affecting the estate of Harry Bottom Properties Limited about 1963 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DX/ATT/5/1/3 Summary of mining leases affecting the estate of Harry Bottom Properties Limited about 1963 Coal Mining Hatfield South Yorkshire
DX/ATT/5/1/3 Summary of mining leases affecting the estate of Harry Bottom Properties Limited about 1963 Estate Hatfield South Yorkshire
DX/ATT/5/1/3 Summary of mining leases affecting the estate of Harry Bottom Properties Limited about 1963 Business Hatfield South Yorkshire

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