Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/672 Sheets 284.1 and 276.13 identifying wells on private property 1930 Ordnance Survey Barnburgh South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/708/1 Copies of parts of sheets 276 SW and 284 NW about 1930s Ordnance Survey Barnburgh South Yorkshire
MB/PLAN/3/2 Ordnance Survey annotated to show loss of hedgerows about 1978 Ordnance Survey Barnburgh South Yorkshire
MB/PLAN/3/2 Annotated Ordnance Survey plans showing loss of hedgerows about 1978 Metropolitan Borough Council Barnburgh South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 276.13 1930 Ordnance Survey Barnburgh South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 284.1 1930 Ordnance Survey Barnburgh South Yorkshire
P3/10/D5 Register of electors 1953 Other Local Government Barnburgh South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61948 Dr Oakes' enclosed land 1807 Maps/Plans Barnburgh South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61948 Sketch plan of Dr Oakes' enclosed land 1807 Estate Barnburgh South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/708/1 Photograph of the parish plan late 20th century Maps/Plans Barnburgh South Yorkshire

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