Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MZ/189/3 Copy print of street with parish church in background about 1910 Anglican Parish Barnby Dun South Yorkshire
MB/PLAN/4/10/4 Botany Bay Farm 2004 Photographs Barnby Dun South Yorkshire
MB/FIN/2/6 Direction sheets 1973-1992 Metropolitan Borough Council Barnby Dun South Yorkshire
MB/EDUC/3/16 Managers' and governors' minutes for First and Middle Schools 1984-1989 Schools Barnby Dun South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/791/1 Conveyance of premises between Warren Bank and Bramwith Lane 27 Jun 1776 Deeds Barnby Dun South Yorkshire
MB/PROP/1/8 Survey, with plan 1903-1904 Schools Barnby Dun South Yorkshire
MB/PROP/1/8 School 1903-1904 Maps/Plans Barnby Dun South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/880/1/72 Botany Bay farm 1899 Maps/Plans Barnby Dun South Yorkshire
MB/RATE/1/3 Rate book 1974-1975 Metropolitan Borough Council Barnby Dun South Yorkshire
MB/RATE/2/3 Rate book 1975-1976 Metropolitan Borough Council Barnby Dun South Yorkshire

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