Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P26/2/B7 Draft agreement for lease of land at North Common late 19th century Deeds Thorne South Yorkshire
P26/2/B5 Miscellaneous deeds relating to land for the endowment of the living of Sykehouse Holy Trinity 1860-1865 Deeds Fishlake South Yorkshire
P26/2/B14 Village, with houses numbered mid 20th century Maps/Plans Sykehouse South Yorkshire
P26/2/B13 Lease of coal seams 1938 Coal Mining Thorne South Yorkshire
P26/2/B13 Lease of coal seams 1938 Deeds Thorne South Yorkshire
P26/2/B12 Glebe land 1931 Maps/Plans Thorne South Yorkshire
P26/2/B12 Plan of glebe land 1931 Anglican Parish Thorne South Yorkshire
P26/2/B11 Correspondence relating to glebe lands 1931 Anglican Parish Moorends South Yorkshire
P26/2/B10 Proposed layout for glebe estate 1926 Maps/Plans Sykehouse South Yorkshire
P26/10/C3 Memories and anecdotes of G. William Spivey 2000s Other Records Sykehouse South Yorkshire

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