Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DX/BAX/60816/1-5 | Covenant to produce title deeds and copies of mortgages | 1796 | Deeds | Bamford | Derbyshire |
DX/BAX/60817 | Deed of trust relating to farms and lands | 1710 | Deeds | Bamford | Derbyshire |
DX/BAX/60817 | Deed of trust relating to farms and lands | 1710 | Manorial | Bamford | Derbyshire |
DX/BAX/60818/1-16 | Relating to the manor and its lands | 1661-1699 | Deeds | Bamford | Derbyshire |
DX/BAX/60818/1-16 | Bundle of title deeds | 1661-1699 | Manorial | Bamford | Derbyshire |
DX/BAX/60821/1 | Feoffment of the manor | 1661 | Deeds | Bamford | Derbyshire |
DX/BAX/60821/2 | Indenture of fine relating to the manor | 1696 | Deeds | Bamford | Derbyshire |
DX/BAX/60821/1 | Feoffment | 1661 | Manorial | Bamford | Derbyshire |
DX/BAX/60821/2 | Indenture of fine | 1696 | Manorial | Bamford | Derbyshire |
DX/BAX/60823/1-5 | Cancelled agreement and valuation | 1805 | Estate | Bamford | Derbyshire |
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