Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/BROD/20/86 Allotments on Ridge Balk Lane 1920s Maps/Plans Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
P47/4/G9/2 Almanac supplement to Barnsley Chronicle 1896 Publications Barnsley South Yorkshire
SY/532/Z1/1-16 Almanacs 1821-1839 Publications Bawtry South Yorkshire
UD/BEN/7/32 Almholme Carr and Ingle Moor 1828 Maps/Plans Almholme South Yorkshire
UD/BEN/7/12 Almholme Ings and Grumble Hurst 1828 Maps/Plans Almholme South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/542/1 Almshouses 1909-1912 Photographs Mexborough South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/392/4 Alnwick Castle late 19th century Photographs Alnwick Northumberland
DY/GBF/4/3/10 Alphabetical list of Internal Drainage Boards for 1968-1969 about 1970 Business Yorkshire Yorkshire
DY/GBF/4/3/10 Alphabetical list of Internal Drainage Boards for 1968-1969 about 1970 Land Drainage Yorkshire Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/168/7 Alphabetical transcript of 1841 returns [Disk] 2009 Census Brampton Bierlow South Yorkshire

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