Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/20/2 Surrender of a lease 1821 Deeds Baldersby North Yorkshire
DS/131/6/040 Railway lands 1911 Maps/Plans Balderton Nottinghamshire
DS/131/6/040 Plan of lands 1911 Railways Balderton Nottinghamshire
DS/131/6/148-149 Widening of railway line 1920 Maps/Plans Balderton Nottinghamshire
DS/131/6/148-149 Plans of widening of line 1920 Railways Balderton Nottinghamshire
DS/131/6/214 Railway lands 1911 Maps/Plans Balderton Nottinghamshire
DS/131/6/214 Plan of lands 1911 Railways Balderton Nottinghamshire
DD/DC/P2/46 Letter about the road to Mitchelstown 4 Sep 1822 Other Local Government Ballyhooly Ireland
P50/1/G7 Lists of churchwardens 1805-1806 Anglican Parish Balne North Yorkshire
P74/10/1 List of churchwardens 1857 Anglican Parish Balne North Yorkshire

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