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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/60838 Mortgage 1786 Estate Spalford Nottinghamshire
DX/BAX/60840 Draft copy of a release of manor, advowson and lands 1786 Deeds Trowell Nottinghamshire
DX/BAX/60840 Draft copy of a release of manor 1786 Manorial Trowell Nottinghamshire
DX/BAX/60840 Draft copy of a release of advowson 1786 Anglican Parish Trowell Nottinghamshire
DZ/ML/3/26 Regulations for Sunday Schools 1786 Anglican Parish Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/ML/3/7 Poster advertising theatre shows 1786 Business Doncaster, Market Place South Yorkshire
AB/7/3/1 List of owners and their acreages on the common 1786 Estate Streetthorpe South Yorkshire
AB/7/3/1 Account for payment relating to a survey done for the Corporation 1786 County Borough Sandall South Yorkshire
AB/7/3/1 Account for payment for altering a road on the common to Broomhouse 1786 County Borough Balby South Yorkshire
SY/515/F18/3 Admittance 1786 Manorial Hatfield South Yorkshire

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