Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
SY/311/Z11/1 Act 1811 Enclosure Hatfield South Yorkshire
SY/311/Z11/1 Act 1811 Enclosure Thorne South Yorkshire
SY/311/Z11/1 Act 1811 Enclosure Fishlake South Yorkshire
SY/311/Z14/1 Act 1810 Enclosure Rossington South Yorkshire
SY/311/Z15/1 Act 1810 Enclosure Stainton South Yorkshire
SY/311/Z15/1 Act 1810 Enclosure Edlington South Yorkshire
SY/311/Z21/1 Drainage act 1813 Other Local Government Hatfield Chace South Yorkshire
SY/311/Z21/1 Drainage act 1813 Land Drainage Hatfield Chace South Yorkshire
SY/315/B Photographs and other items relating to the chassis car produced by E.W. Jackson and Son Limited 1912-1967 Business Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
SY/315/B2/1-15 Photographs relating to the chassis car produced by E.W. Jackson and Son Limited about 1912-about 1950 Photographs Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire

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