Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/61230 Conveyance of manorial estate about 1801 Manorial Wadworth South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61231 Draft abstract of title to premises about 1834 Deeds Wadworth South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61270/1-6 Inventories and valuations for Wadworth Hall 1879-1882 Estate Wadworth South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/62/T1 FILM 2 Rental and valuation 1655 Estate Wadworth South Yorkshire
DS/53/4/32 Postcard of Wadworth Hall early-mid 20th century Estate Wadworth South Yorkshire
DD/BW/E1/1 Rental 1692 Estate Wadworth South Yorkshire
DD/BW/E1/9 Survey late 18th century Estate Wadworth South Yorkshire
DD/BW/E13/3 Statement of tenants and their rent 1695 Estate Wadworth South Yorkshire
DY/JOHN/16 Redevelopment of village 1962 Maps/Plans Wadworth South Yorkshire
P21/10/10 Semi-detached houses 19th century Maps/Plans Wadworth South Yorkshire

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