Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/61589 Abstracts of title to property early 19th century Deeds Epworth Lincolnshire
DD/COV/4/7 Abstract of allotments made under the act early 19th century Enclosure Fishlake South Yorkshire
P17/2/B3/1 St Cuthbert's church, Vicarage Garth and Croft early 19th century Maps/Plans Fishlake South Yorkshire
DD/BW/Y25 Extracts from letters of Edward Gibbon on political events early 19th century Other Records France France
DD/COV/4/6-7 Abstract of allotments of land early 19th century Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DZ/ANON/1/17 Act extracts early 19th century Enclosure Hatfield South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/MAP 20 Land early 19th century Maps/Plans Hatfield Chace South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/MAP 29 North side early 19th century Maps/Plans Hatfield Moors South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/157/3 Parish early 19th century Maps/Plans Hickleton South Yorkshire
DD/BW/Y61 North central early 19th century Maps/Plans India India

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