Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/62188 Letters, plans and draft conveyances relating to a pair of semi-detached houses 1925-1929 Deeds Blaxton South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62188 Semi-detached houses 1925-1929 Maps/Plans Blaxton South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/7/3/1/3 Lease of public house and land 25 Nov 1853 Deeds Blaxton South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/7/4/2/5 Lease of land 2 Feb 1838 Deeds Blaxton South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64450 Leases, draft conveyances and other items relating to land 1830-1879 Deeds Blaxton South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/699/1 Copy abstract of title of Metropolitan Railway Country Estates Limited to properties 1950-1951 Deeds Blaxton South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/699/1 Copy abstract of title of Metropolitan Railway Country Estates Limited to properties 1950-1951 Business Blaxton South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/699/1 Copy abstract of title of Metropolitan Railway Country Estates Limited to properties 1950-1951 Railways Blaxton South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/67 Copy award and map 1778 Enclosure Blaxton South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/67 Copy enclosure 1778 Maps/Plans Blaxton South Yorkshire

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