Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/61519 Deed of covenant by way of indemnity relating to a fault in a conveyance of Common Croft 1860 Deeds Bolton upon Dearne South Yorkshire
DX/HATT/3/1 Copy draft conveyance of land 1912 Deeds Bolton upon Dearne South Yorkshire
DX/HATT/11/1 Draft conveyance of Gas Works 10 Oct 1894 Deeds Bolton upon Dearne South Yorkshire
DX/HATT/11/1 Draft conveyance of Gas Works 10 Oct 1894 Business Bolton upon Dearne South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64388 Sale particulars and papers relating to purchase 1828-1836 Estate Bolton upon Dearne South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64388 Sale particulars and papers relating to purchase 1828-1836 Sales Catalogues Bolton upon Dearne South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61041/1-13 Surveys, valuations, rentals and other items relating to Broadhead-Brinckman estates about 1819-1878 Estate Bolton upon Dearne South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61517 Bundle of letters, draft deeds and other items relating to Joseph Johnson Littlewood's estate 1845-1851 Estate Bolton upon Dearne South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61517 Draft deeds relating to the estate of Joseph Johnson Littlewood 1845-1851 Deeds Bolton upon Dearne South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61518 Papers relating to sale of estate of Joseph Johnson Littlewood 1855 Estate Bolton upon Dearne South Yorkshire

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