Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/60812/1-13 Title deeds relating to land belonging to the manor of Bamford, Derbyshire 1707-1767 Deeds Bramhurst Staffordshire
DD/WN/B5/12 War memorial [Postcard] 1920s Photographs Bramham West Yorkshire
DD/WN/B5/12 Postcard of war memorial 1920s Military Bramham West Yorkshire
DS/53/4/8 Old Hall, Rectory, Mill Dam Bridge, schools [Postcards] early-mid 20th century Photographs Braithwell South Yorkshire
SR/137/8/1-71 First and Middle School, various 1958-1994 Photographs Braithwell South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/6/39 Garage 1982 Photographs Braithwell South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/6/39 Methodist chapel 1985 Photographs Braithwell South Yorkshire
P71 Records of St James 1559-1942 Anglican Parish Braithwell South Yorkshire
P30/2/A2 Particulars and conditions of sale of various glebe lands 1920 Anglican Parish Braithwell South Yorkshire
P30/2/A2 Sale particulars and conditions for various glebe lands 1920 Sales Catalogues Braithwell South Yorkshire

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