Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/STAN/8/1 British Ropes new headquarters 1961 Maps/Plans Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DY/BRI/1/1/25 British Ropes inventory of wire rope machinery Mar 1951 Business Retford Nottinghamshire
DY/BRI/1/1/25 British Ropes inventory of wire rope machinery Mar 1951 Business Wakefield West Yorkshire
DY/BRI/1/1/25 British Ropes inventory of wire rope machinery Mar 1951 Business Wheatley South Yorkshire
DY/BRI/1/6/42-43 British Ropes factory 1950s Photographs Canada Canada
DY/BRI/1/6/43 British Ropes Canadian Factory Limited, dedication and opening 1959 Photographs Winnipeg Canada
DY/BRB British Railways Board records 1840s-1987 Railways Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/BELL/3 British Rail School of Transport [Postcards] 1940s Photographs Derby Derbyshire
DY/BRB/5/1-8 British Rail employees attending courses at the Training and Adventure Centre 1946-1983 Photographs Darlington County Durham
P80/10/32 British Legion Club, opening of [Postcard] 1931 Photographs Thorne South Yorkshire

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