Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/817/7/7 Railway network 1984 Maps/Plans Britain Britain
DZ/MD/817/7/7 Plan of network 1984 Railways Britain Britain
MB/LEAD/1/213 Profiting from Apartheid: Britain's Links with South Africa, Labour Research Department Jul 1986 Publications Britain Britain
AB/ARCH/1/1383 Location of Doncaster Airport in relation to Britain and Europe about 1930s Maps/Plans Britain Britain
SY/508/G42/3 Copy extract from minutes of the meeting of the Central Committee of the Coal Merchants' Federation 1976 Organisations Britain Britain
SY/508/G42/3 Copy extract from minutes of the meeting of the Central Committee of the Coal Merchants' Federation 1976 Coal Mining Britain Britain
DD/PROSS/3/74-76 Subject files on the docks 1963-1984 Business Bristol Greater Bristol
DX/BAX/61896 Certificates of redemption on property 1799 Land Tax Brinsworth South Yorkshire
DY/GBF/10 Sheet 295 1854 Ordnance Survey Brinsworth South Yorkshire
BT/356/8810 Plan of proposed route 1900 Railways Brinsworth South Yorkshire

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