Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/DC/E3/8/9 Particulars and valuation of land 1841 Estate Burghwallis South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/158/1 Copies of plans of Thellusson estates [CD-ROM] 1818 Estate Burghwallis South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/158/1 Copies of plans of Thellusson estates [CD-ROM] 1818 Maps/Plans Burghwallis South Yorkshire
QS/13/1 Dun Drainage District map 1873 Land Drainage Burghwallis South Yorkshire
QS/13/1 Dun Drainage District 1873 Maps/Plans Burghwallis South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E2/1/1/2 Papers about the drainage of Ea Bank 28 Jun 1783 Land Drainage Burghwallis South Yorkshire
DS/53/4/10 Postcard of the war memorial early-mid 20th century Military Burghwallis South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61658 Certificates of redemption 1801 Land Tax Burghwallis South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/121/7 Burghwallis Hall, Chapel of St Helen Roman Catholic baptism register 1886-1935 Nonconformist Churches Burghwallis South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/121/7 Burghwallis Hall, Chapel of St Helen Roman Catholic baptism register 1886-1935 Estate Burghwallis South Yorkshire

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