Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DP/9088 Building control plan of 11-23 Central Boulevard Mar 1937 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/9090 Building control plan of house and garage on Central Boulevard Aug 1937 Maps/Plans Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DP/9091-9097 Building control plans of properties 1934-1937 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Cemetery Road South Yorkshire
DP/9091-9092 Building control plans of additions and water closets at the Malt Kiln public house 1934 Business Doncaster, Cemetery Road South Yorkshire
DP/9092 Building control plan of water closets Mar 1934 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Malt Kiln Yard South Yorkshire
MB/CE/2/1-4 Coat of arms for the Metropolitan Borough Council 1980s Photographs Doncaster South Yorkshire
MB/CE/2/1-4 Images of the coat of arms 1980s Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
MB/CEM/1 Cemetery records 1854-1994 County Borough Doncaster, Hyde Park South Yorkshire
MB/EDUC/2 Rossington Hall and estate 1838-1882 Maps/Plans Rossington South Yorkshire
MB/EDUC/2 Plans of Rossington Hall and estate 1838-1882 Estate Rossington South Yorkshire

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