Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/BRI/1/2/45 Maps of 1817-1851 1972 Photographs Sunderland Tyne & Wear
DY/BRI/1/6/19 Bridon Public Limited Company, management dinner 1960s Photographs Sunderland Tyne & Wear
DY/BRI/1/6/28-29 Bridon Public Limited Company, women in factory 1960s Photographs Sunderland Tyne & Wear
DY/BRI/17/36-38 Glaholm and Robson, offices, factory and trade mark 1953-1960s Photographs Sunderland Tyne & Wear
DY/STAN/6/53 Street views 1980s Photographs Swinefleet East Yorkshire
DY/STAN/5/53 Prospect House, Low Road 1980s Photographs Swinefleet East Yorkshire
P59/10/25 Old parish church [Drawing] late 19th century Photographs Swinton South Yorkshire
P59/10/26 Old parish church [Postcard] early 20th century Photographs Swinton South Yorkshire
P59/10/27 Swinton Earthenware Manufactory [Postcard] early 20th century Photographs Swinton South Yorkshire
P59/10/28 Parish church organ late 19th century Photographs Swinton South Yorkshire

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