Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P47/3/D2 Agreement for dedication of land for street widening 1911 Urban District Council Wombwell South Yorkshire
P47/3/D1 Copy conveyance of First Upper Field, with plan 1866 Deeds Wombwell South Yorkshire
P47/3/D1 First Upper Field 1866 Maps/Plans Wombwell South Yorkshire
P47/2/D1 Book of presscuttings covering the last five months of the incumbency of Canon John St Leger Blakeney 1929-1935 Anglican Parish Macclesfield Cheshire
P47/2/D1 Book of presscuttings covering the last five months of the incumbency of Canon John St Leger Blakeney 1929-1935 Publications Macclesfield Cheshire
P47/2/B9 Altered apportionment 1916 Tithe Wombwell South Yorkshire
P47/2/B8 Correspondence about subsidence affecting church property 1976-1977 Coal Mining Wombwell South Yorkshire
P47/2/B5 Correspondence and newspaper cuttings about erection of shops on Church Street and the Job Creation Programme for the improvement of the environment 1976-1978 Business Wombwell South Yorkshire
P47/2/B5 Newspaper cuttings about erection of shops on Church Street and the Job Creation Programme for the improvement of the environment 1976-1978 Publications Wombwell South Yorkshire
P47/2/B5 Church hall alterations 1976-1978 Maps/Plans Wombwell South Yorkshire

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