Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/BRB/14/5 Retford and Doncaster deviation of the Great Northern Railway 1847 Maps/Plans Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/BW/E4/25 Land required for the railway 1847 Maps/Plans Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/CL/1/6 Meteorological record 1847 Other Records Doncaster South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62114 Lease of a shop 1847 Deeds Doncaster, Baxter Gate South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62114 Lease of a shop 1847 Business Doncaster, Baxter Gate South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62113 Lease of bakehouse 1847 Deeds Doncaster, St Sepulchre Gate South Yorkshire
DD/CROM/6/32 Tithe [Copy] 1847 Maps/Plans Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DD/CROM/6/32 Map [Copy] 1847 Tithe Warmsworth South Yorkshire
P35 Parish records 1846-1991 Anglican Parish Doncaster, Christ Church South Yorkshire
NM/57 Bentley Road Primitive Methodist church records 1846-1980 Nonconformist Churches Bentley South Yorkshire

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