Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P38/3/E3 Seating in church of St John the Evangelist 1848 Maps/Plans Goole East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64285 Mortgage of equity of redemption on an estate 1848 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64285 Mortgage of equity of redemption 1848 Estate Hatfield South Yorkshire
DX/TAY/28/1 Agreement for the sale of a farm and moor lands 1848 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DD/BW/L69 Corporation of Sewers 1848 Manorial Hatfield Chace South Yorkshire
DX/TAY/28/1 Agreement for the sale of a farm and lands 1848 Deeds Hatfield Moors South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/MAP 51 Drain deepening 1848 Maps/Plans Haywood South Yorkshire
MIC/1 Bishop's Transcripts 1848 Bishop's Transcripts Heeley South Yorkshire
DX/TAY/28/1 Agreement for the sale of a farm and moorlands 1848 Deeds Thorne South Yorkshire
DZ/ML/1/7 Thorne Moor Drainage and Improvement Act 1848 Land Drainage Thorne South Yorkshire

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