Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/GOS/392 Supplemental abstract of memorandum of charge on Kitchen Croft and Long Croft 1890 Deeds Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
DD/GOS/205 Abstract of title to lands and houses 1902 Deeds Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
DD/GOS/54 Details of lands allotted to John Drake by the commissioners 19th century Enclosure Hatfield South Yorkshire
DD/GOS/54 Details of lands allotted to John Drake by the commissioners 19th century Enclosure Thorne South Yorkshire
DD/GOS/54 Details of lands allotted to John Drake by the commissioners 19th century Enclosure Fishlake South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1-17 Miscellaneous manorial records 1499-1657 Manorial Wheatley South Yorkshire
DD/COO/18-20 Rentals 1541-1591 Manorial Wheatley South Yorkshire
DD/COO/21-23 Chief rents early 17th century Manorial Wheatley South Yorkshire
DD/COO/41 Chief rents 1657 Manorial Wheatley South Yorkshire
DD/COO/131 Lease of lands and rent Mar 1276 Deeds Wheatley South Yorkshire

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