Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/WALK/2/46 Act 1823 Enclosure Crook Cumbria
DS/131/6/151-152 Widening of railway line 1920 Maps/Plans Cromwell Nottinghamshire
DS/131/6/151-152 Widening of railway line 1920 Railways Cromwell Nottinghamshire
DZ/MD/392/4 Cromer Hall and the beach late 19th century Photographs Cromer Norfolk
DZ/MD/392/4 Photograph of Cromer Hall late 19th century Estate Cromer Norfolk
DD/WA/D2/1 Travel diary 1830s Other Records Cromer Norfolk
DS/131/6/172 Railway lands 1920 Maps/Plans Cromer Norfolk
DS/131/6/172 Plan of lands 1920 Railways Cromer Norfolk
DZ/MD/850/3/9 Pretty Corner [Postcard] 1928 Photographs Cromer Norfolk
DD/DC/E5/4/9 Account of rents 1762-1763 Estate Crofton West Yorkshire

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