Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/ANON/11 Papers of R. Moore of Carr Side 1854-1882 Other Records Hatfield South Yorkshire
R1/3 Registrar's quarterly statistical account book 1854-1881 Other Local Government Doncaster South Yorkshire
ABT/1/3/22 List of subscriptions the corporation has made to churches and chapels 1854-1872 Anglican Parish Doncaster South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62048 Relating to copyhold and freehold property in West Street and North Street 1854-1868 Deeds Brighton Sussex
DX/TB/5/29 Admissions 1854-1859 Manorial Haxey Lincolnshire
P55/3/A1 Correspondence concerning refusal of the churchwardens to pay rates, with legal bill 1854-1857 Anglican Parish Hoyland Nether South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61428 Draft deeds, correspondence and other items relating to the estates of Reverend G.H. Woodhouse 1854-1857 Estate Owston Ferry Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/61428 Draft deeds relating to the estates of Reverend G.H. Woodhouse 1854-1857 Deeds Owston Ferry Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/60988 Letters relating to a claim for compensation for losing tenancy of a cottage 1854-1856 Estate Barnsley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/60889 Draft deeds, correspondence and other items relating to land 1854-1855 Deeds Crimpsall South Yorkshire

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