Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/BRB/10/2/5 Power line diversion 1931 Maps/Plans Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1252 Power line over lands 1920 Maps/Plans Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1252 Power lines 1920 Maps/Plans Bentley South Yorkshire
DX/TB/10/3/3 Power of attorney appointed by the Rawcliffe Moss Litter Company 19 Sep 1891 Deeds Rawcliffe East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/65180/3 Power of attorney to deliver seisin of lands 10 Nov 1677 Estate Rossington South Yorkshire
P59/10/8 Prayers for new church 1874 Anglican Parish York North Yorkshire
DZ/MD/146c Pre-1974 local authority boundaries about 1974 Maps/Plans Doncaster South Yorkshire
P71/1/F1 Preacher's book, includes list of confirmation candidates 1897-1906 Anglican Parish Bramley South Yorkshire
DD/DC/A1/3/1-11 Precepts 1714-1755 Manorial Owston South Yorkshire
AB/5/2/75 Precepts to the sergeants at mace to proclaim the Sessions of the Peace, produce 24 men to be jurors and give notice to the constables and other officers to attend 1610-1652 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire

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