Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P50/6/B11/3 List of parliamentary electors about 1840 Other Local Government Snaith East Yorkshire
P50/3/E1-5 Parish church interiors 1866-1952 Maps/Plans Snaith East Yorkshire
P50/2/D2 St Lawrence's church interior and aerial view [Postcards] 1961 Photographs Snaith East Yorkshire
P50/2/D2 St Lawrence's church front door and figurehead 1961 Photographs Snaith East Yorkshire
P50/2/D1 Correspondence and inventory concerning the storage of items from Sheffield Cathedral 1941-1945 Anglican Parish Sheffield South Yorkshire
P50/2/C2 Report of the Diocesan Advisory Commission concerning new parishes and unions of benefices late 1930s Anglican Parish Sheffield South Yorkshire
P50/2/C1 London Gazette containing a copy of the Order in Council creating the district of St John the Evangelist Mar 1849 Anglican Parish Goole East Yorkshire
P50/2/C1 London Gazette containing a copy of the Order in Council creating the district of St John the Evangelist Mar 1849 Publications Goole East Yorkshire
P50/2/B6 Glebe land 1940 Maps/Plans Snaith East Yorkshire
P50/2/B25 Internal Drainage Board rating assessments for glebe land 1932-1936 Anglican Parish Cowick East Yorkshire

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